Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm still working on Mercy. Just about the only time I work on this project is during my lunch hour at work.

The inner pocket


The strap. I'm planning to make it adjustable.


Part of the completed body. I'll definitely need to do some blocking before putting all the pieces together


And, another view of the completed body


The outer pocket - sorry for the blur


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

In an email to Jackie... "Ravelry.... down.... for maintenance.... Can't... get to forums.... Strength... failing.... Must have... forums...

"I can only get away with knitting at work during lunch. But, I can get away with browsing the Ravelry forums which gives me my knitting fix while I'm at work."

Seriously, when I'm at work, I get my knitting fix by reading the forums on Ravelry. And, when I'm at home, I knit. And yes, that's pretty much my life. I also read various knitting blogs - Crazy Aunt Purl - Brookytweed and those of my friends. My other option would be checking out what's new or on sale at KnitPicks, like the way cool Straight Harmony needles, but that would be a mistake.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I've finished the Hot Cold pair of my Hot & Cold Socks. After the heel, I continued several rounds in stockinette and then stitched to 2x2 ribbing. I only wanted a short sock, so I only went a few inches up the leg.

I haven't washed or blocked them yet but I couldn't help myself and I'm wearing them today.


Look ma, no holes

