Monday, May 12, 2008

I had already offered to donate a few Jayne's Hats to Can't Stop The Serenity - Dallas. Then, one of organizers saw these somewhere and asked if I could make some. So far, I have made 8 - 4 on Saturday and I'm finishing up the 4 I started yesterday. It took about 4 hours to make 4 hats, knitting them at the same time, using the Magic Loop method.

Mini Jayne's Hat - hanging from the mirror in the bug

Mini-Jayne's Hat X 4

They're really easy to make:

- With Orange, CO 20 sts and join for working in the round.
- Knit 2 rounds of 1x1 rib.
- Knit 4 more rounds in Stockinette.
- Switch to Gold and work 4 rounds in Stockinette.
- K2TOG for 2 rounds.
- Thread tapestry needle through remaining stitches and tie off.

- With Ranch Red yarn, pick up 4 sts on one side of the hat.
- Knit 6 rows in Stockinette.
- Slip 2 sts, K2TOG, pass 2 slipped stitches; break yarn and pull through last stitch.
- Cut a short piece of Ranch Red and thread through last stitch so there are 3 strands.
- Repeat on the other side of the hat.

- With all 3 colors, make a tiny tassel and stitch to the top of the hat.

FINISHING (Optional)
At this point, the Mini-Jayne’s Hat is complete. You can also attach a longish piece of yarn (about 6 to 8 inches) to the top of the hat in order to hang it from a car mirror. Or, stitch a small magnet to the inside to make a ‘fridge magnet. The options are endless…


Chopper_Gyrl said...

Very cute and I am very impressed with your utilization of the Magic Loop Method for means of mass production...WAY TO GO!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love them! Well done! :D

Kenny said...

Thank you. Thank you.