Friday, January 11, 2008

My Dallas Stars Scarf (home).

This is another easy project I'm working on. I'm doing the whole thing in gartor stitch. I'm using Red Heart in gold, hunter green and off soft white. I started to use white but it was just too bright and the off soft white looks good with the gold and hunter green. I'm alternating 8 rows of hunter green (not counting the cast on row); 4 rows of off soft white; 6 rows of gold; 12 rows of hunter green; 6 rows of gold; 4 rows of off soft white; and, back to hunter green until it's the length I want. Then, I'll alternate the off soft white, gold and hunter green again on the other end.

I'm planning to do another scarf with the same alternating colors on the ends but doing the main piece in off soft white. One scarf will be for home games and the other will be for road games. I'm also thinking about doing a third scarf that's alternating green and gold for the entire length.


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